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We are very excited to be supporting the Reclaim The Frame project, an audience network and feminist movement promoting 4 films by women directors over the next six months in order to get more people out to see and support films made by women. These filmmakers wrestling the narrative away from the typically cis white straight male film makers and writers who dominate cinema and creating something new that deserves to find an audience...that's where we all come in!

The second of the four films will be July's British drama Pin Cushion but before that comes Revenge a film one reviewer has called "the French feminist Kill Bill" which is all we need to be sold! The film is a rape revenge horror film told by women and comes firmly from the position of the female gaze. 

If you want to help spread the word about this and the future Reclaim the Frame films you can sign up to be a Manchester influencer and get free tickets to the film for your hard work...

Or you can just come along for the ride and come to the special screening of Revenge at HOME on Sunday 20th May at 6pm. This film is followed by a Q&A with the team where we can really discuss the film and the importance of female filmmakers getting the chance to make the stories they want.

The special screening is the one we want to see you at and is the film that will measure how successful Reclaim the Frame is being in bringing audiences out in Manchester. Newcastle's showing SOLD OUT so let's spread the word, share the event page, invite your friends and let's throw our support behind this film and the Reclaim the Frame campaign!