As part of queer block party festival HOMOBLOC, Manchester's LGBTQ film club Make A Scene programme a special day of films celebrating QUEER HEDONISM.
SAUVAGE (2019) - 14.00 Hot as hell French actor Félix Maritaud stars as Leo a male prostitute who parties hard whilst longing for love aka all of us. This 2018 debut from Camille Vidal-Naquet explores sex and love equally as explicitly as it follows Leo from client to client, party to party in the search of true intimacy that seems just out of reach.
SHOWGIRLS (1995) - 16.30 Paul Verhonen's 1995 film is not only a classic of camp cinema but should also be viewed as one of the greatest films to explore themes of America's obsession with sex and celebrity. Elizabeth Berkley stars as iconic heroine Nomi Malone, a dancer with a flick knife and a dream who uses her sexuality and ruthlessness to elbow her way to the top in the world of Vegas entertainment. Derided at the time of release and handed many a Golden Raspberry Award, ruining Berkley's career, the film was adopted by queer audience for it's quotable lines, bisexual heroine and campy aesthetic and has since been reassessed by film critics. Make A Scene did our own interactive celebration of Showgirls earlier this year at Manchester235 casino with pole dancing drag queens galore, this is presented as one of our favourite films and one that celebrates sexuality, dancing, camp and hedonism.
VELVET GOLDMINE (1998) - 19.00 Riffing on the cultural connections between David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Oscar Wilde, Citizen Kane and queer theory, gay auteur Todd Haynes's Velvet Goldmine is fashioned a knowingly counterfactual chronicle of the glam rock boom in early 1970s London, with heavy emphasis on polymorphous perversity and calculated also has Jonathan Rhys Meyers and peak era Ewan McGregor is very very tight pants.
TICKET FROM £5 each per show and can be bought via the Cultureplex website CLICK HERE