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On Sunday 26 April, 18.00pm (GMT) Reclaim the Frame be in conversation on Facebook with filmmaker and academic Laura Mulvey, who is perhaps most famous for coining the phrase 'the male gaze'.

Her huge contribution to film theory which showed us that WHO directed or wrote a film defined how people of all genders were and were not represented, and where women in the media, viewed from the eyes of a heterosexual man, were largely represented as passive objects of male desire. It is out of this we use the term 'the female gaze' which centres everything we show.

You can catch her 1977 film RIDDLES OF THE SPHINX on BFI Player now which is free for a two week trial now!

Join Mia Bays for a fascinating live interview on Facebook on Sunday where you too can post questions for this icon of feminist film theory.

Reclaim the Frame Online: Laura Mulvey Facebook Live event 
18.00 Sunday 26th April on Facebook Live